Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Parlez-vous bullshit?

Mabel:  Mommy. Listen to this: (incomprehensible)!!!  I speak French now.

Me:  Oh. Well, next year you're going to learn French in school.

Mabel:  I don't need to learn, I know French.

Me:  Well, you could learn a little more. And you could learn enough to teach me.

Mabel:  Don't you know French?

Me:  Only a little.

Mabel:  Listen to what I know: (pure gobbledeegook)!!! See? I know more French than you.

Me:  Yes, I guess you're right.

Mabel:  Maybe I should be teaching the whole class!

Me:  Well, then you'd be taking jobs away from teachers and they already have enough problems.

Mabel:  Why?

Me:  Well, because the government doesn't treat them very well.

Mabel:  Why?

Me:  Well, it's hard to explain.

Mabel:  Try, Mommy.

Me:  Well, the government makes them work more for the same money.

Mabel:  They get money?!?

Me:  Of course! Teachers are working when they're in the classroom.

Mabel:  What are they doing?

Me:  They're taking care of you, and they're teaching you things.

Mabel:  Mommy, I learned French on my own though. My teacher didn't teach me.

Me:  I guess you're just a natural.

Mabel:  I guess so. Maybe I should talk to the government and tell them to be nicer to teachers.

Me:  Well, you sure do speak their language.

Mabel:  You mean French? Listen: (absolute poppycock)!!!!

Me:  Yep, that's exactly what I mean.